Tuesday, June 5, 2012

AMiable Solution #21: Design Challenge #1: QR Codes

Whether you're just now experimenting with QR codes or you've been on the QR code train for some time, deciding how to use them is just the first step. Determining how to incorporate them into your direct mail campaign is another.

Unlike the rest of your direct mail design, which demands a particular order (teaser, offer, then order form), QR codes have no set rules for their placement: they can appear on the cover, in the middle, or on the back mailing panel. No matter where you choose to include your QR code, however, there are certain considerations you should keep in mind:

• Make the location fit the purpose. If you're giving consumers an option to place an online order, renew a membership, make a donation, etc., through the code, place the QR code on or near the order form. If you're using the QR code to link invitees to a map, place the QR code near the event's location information.

• Surround the QR code with plenty of white space. This will help ensure the code scans cleanly.

• But be sure to include a strong call to action. Don't just throw a QR code on the page and expect consumers to automatically take interest. Be sure to tell them what to scan the code for and how they'll benefit from doing so.

• Make it readable. There are no hard-and-fast rules on size, but your QR code should be at least 1" by 1" for greater readability.

• Keep it in the clear. Don't place a QR code on a curved surface, in or on a fold, or too close to a spine. You risk creating scanning issues for your clients if you do.

QR codes, like any other element in a direct mail package, should be subject to much testing. Track your response rates along with the location of each code to see which placement location works best for you.

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