Tuesday, June 19, 2012

AMiable Solution #23: Design Challenge #3: When you don't have graphics

Most of the marketing we receive includes at least two colors if not more, photos, and/or graphics to visually draw us into the piece. But what happens when we don't have fancy photos of our products or colorful graphics showing the success of our services? Can we distribute text-only material and expect it to succeed?

We believe the answer is "yes." Although content always trumps graphics when it comes to making a sale, having strong copy is especially important when your readers have nothing but copy to look at. The trick is to make your text-heavy promotion look as open and inviting as possible. The following tricks can help you do this:

• Allow as much white space as possible: don't be tempted to jam-pack the space with text

• Use color to emphasize text or guide readers through the page

• Treat type as graphics by using big drop caps at the beginning of sections

• Create interest by inserting quote boxes amidst columns of text

• Keep paragraphs short

• Create visual interest using simple shapes

Still need a little extra something? Try scanning, at a high resolution, a patterned or textured sheet of paper and using a colored percentage of it--no more than 5% or 10% to avoid muddying your text--behind or near your copy.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent information, especially when it comes to being reminded to leaving a lot of white space, most people like to crowd the page..... less is definitely more!
