Tuesday, August 7, 2012

AMiable Solution #28: Encouraging Referrals

You can toot your own horn as often and as loudly as you'd like, and some people will listen. Ask a satisfied customer or client to toot your horn for you, however, and you'll likely gain more new customers with less effort and expense.

So what are the keys and tricks to convincing clients to refer you to their colleagues, customers, and friends? Bribery helps (see list below), but providing consistent and efficient customer service will generate more sincere endorsements and better responses. People gripe about bad customer service experiences, but they remember--and share with others--good ones.

Encourage strong relationships with your clients and their contacts with these referral-generating tips:

• follow-up with existing customers and stay in touch

• include a letter in your next shipment or mailing, thanking the customer for his/her past business, and asking for referrals. Make your customers' job easier by including a flyer, brochure, or postcard invitation for them to pass along.

• offer a referral reward program that benefits both your customers and their friends

• ask your professional clients to mention you to their clients and offer a special discount or service to those new customers who respond

• credit a customer's account when he/she sends you new business

• focus on your most loyal or active customers and the ones who likely have the biggest networks

• make a plan and monitor your progress and results

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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