Tuesday, August 28, 2012

AMiable Solution #31: Speaking Out

Sometimes the best way to generate new business is in person. And one of the most economical ways to do that is through public speaking.

Why public speaking? Few other in-person situations give you the opportunity to address a large number of attentive individuals--individuals with the same goals and objectives--at one time. Public speaking provides you with the opportunity to share your knowledge, expertise, and passion, all while providing a welcomed spotlight on your company or organization.

Where can you speak? Depending on what information you want to communicate, your opportunities could be anywhere: at association conferences and annual meetings. At community meetings or events. In college and university classrooms and career-related events. Even at your own facilities or those of your customers.

What should you speak about? What you say should be current and relevant to your audience. You don't just want to speak for the sake of speaking: you want to provide your audience with valuable information. You want to impress them with your knowledge so that when they have a related issue, your name--and your organization's name--comes to mind. Whether you address an new process or service, an overlooked or improperly executed process, current issues, or forthcoming legal or regulatory changes--including how to embrace them and integrate them into the daily grind--you should do so with authority and expertise.

How should you speak? Every speaker has his or her own personality and speaking style. The important thing is to be confident and relaxed. Even if you're not a natural public speaker or have much experience speaking in front of groups, you can find books, seminars, and professional organizations geared toward helping you through the process. Want ten tips now? See http://www.toastmasters.org/tips.asp for suggestions for providing a better presentation.

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