Tuesday, September 4, 2012

AMiable Solution #32: Marketing Lessons Learned from Watching Cartoons: Tailor Your Message

A friend of mine has a two-year-old son. Every time he sees the commercial for "Dream Lites"--Pillow Pets with projection night lights in their backs--he freezes, mesmerized. While he's probably thinking, "Wow! That's amazing!," his mom is thinking, "Great. Another stuffed animal."

Why the difference in responses? The commercial wasn't created for adults.

Marketing professional or social products and services to adults isn't much different than marketing toys to kids: both require a detailed understanding of the target audience and the motivating factors and needs of that audience. Your four-color catalog and your hi-tech QR code have the same goal as that Dream Lites commercial: to appeal to a specific audience and sell a product or service.

It's not enough to identify the cartoon market as "kids." Kids come in two sexes, a dozen ages, and countless personalities. The same is true for your customers. They have different roles, interests, and budget/income levels. Your job is to match a particular segment of your market with a relevant product/service or set of products/services and create a message your audience can't ignore. No matter how many times they see it.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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