Tuesday, September 25, 2012

AMiable Solution #35: Marketing Lessons Learned from Watching Cartoons: Keep Your Promises

When you were a kid, how many times did you excitedly open a toy, expecting it to do all the wondrous things you saw it do on TV, only to discover that the "magic" was all make believe?

Adults, particularly economically-conscious ones, are no different from children. We expect a product to do what the marketers say it will do, and we reject, even resent, anything less.

In an effort to stand out from the competition, we sometimes want to stretch the truth. Make a statement that we think may be true but don't have the statistics or the research to back up. Out of eagerness--or desperation--to make a sale, we push the boundaries of our truth comfort zone and hope we don't get caught.

Has this ever been you? Hopefully, if you've danced along the edge of fact and fiction, you've stayed on the side of fact. Although exaggeration can make a sale, reality will kill the relationship. Customers base their buying decisions on your ability to give them straight and true information and place their loyalties with companies and organizations that deliver.

The lesson here? The same one your mom taught you when you were a kid: honesty is the best policy.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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