Monday, February 11, 2013

AMiable Solution #47: Facebook: A Head of Social Media Marketing

Millions of people monitor or participate on social networking sites every day.  Facebook alone boasts a user base of more than one billion people. If you haven’t added social media marketing to your 2013 marketing calendar, or if you’re not sure if Facebook is the right social media dance hall for your organization, we offer the following insights for marketing on Facebook. 

According to market researcher Edison Research, more than two-thirds of 18-44 year-olds who use social media follow particular brands, and almost three-quarters of 25-34 year-olds do.  When these consumers choose a social network for following a brand, more than 75% of them go to Facebook first for information, according to Edison Research blogger Larry Rosin.

It’s easy to see why. Facebook is arguably the most flexible social network available.  It allows users to publish lengthy texts (“posts”), comment on others’ posts, post photos and videos, and see the posts and comments of not only the people they’ve connected with (“friended”) but also the postings and comments of friends of friends.

You can use Facebook to connect quickly and easily with a broad audience, sharing images and information about new products, services, and events; generating organizational activity and interest with contests, promotions, and sales; soliciting feedback on current or proposed activities; and gathering general consumer comments, endorsements, and suggestions.

“Pages,” as the participant-specific areas of the site are called, are free to create.  You can create a general page with a basic account, or you can create a business page and have access to paid options, including promoted posts (for pages with at least 100 “likes”), page insights (for pages with at least 30 “likes”), and targeted ads based on Facebook user location, gender, age, likes and interests, relationship status, workplace, and education.  Pages can be categorized as a local place or business; company, organization, or institution; brand or product; artist, band, or public figure; entertainment; and cause or community.

Facebook's options and accessibility come with a bit of a price, however.  Privacy concerns run high as more and more “private” posts and photos become accessible by the public.

Still, participating on Facebook is a cheap and relatively easy way to create brand awareness and to connect with a potentially large worldwide audience.

Facebook isn't your only, or even your best option, when it comes to social media marketing, however.  Come back next week to learn more about Twitter, and then check us out later in the month when we look at YouTube and LinkedIn.

1 comment:

  1. Facebook is one of the most common and useful social media platforms that use for advertising and marketing business sales and products. It is also effective in getting more potential customers by creating a Facebook business fan page.
