Tuesday, February 26, 2013

AMiable Solution #48: Twitter: Finding Long-Term Success in a Few Words

You can't argue with Twitter's popularity.  Everywhere you look, people are referencing things public figures and private citizens have said--good and bad--on this social network.
With more than 340,000,000 Tweets posted each day, Twitter connects users to "the latest stories, ideas, opinions and news" about people and organizations they find interesting: current events, other public figures, community and national news, and everyday experiences with businesses and organizations

Unlike Facebook, Twitter limits communications ("tweets") to 140 characters.  It doesn't sound like much, but in most cases it's enough to announce sales, new products, and upcoming events; solicit comments and suggestions; gather feedback on new or proposed services; and address hot topics or time-sensitive issues. 

The messages are short, but the time required to maintain a Twitter account is not.
To gain a regular following and build trust (once you learn the jargon), Twitter recommends sharing behind-the-scenes information, regularly monitoring comments about your organization, asking questions, responding to questions and comments promptly, and offering specials and limited-time deals.  In addition, Twitter recommends referencing articles and providing links to articles about your industry to establish your organization as an industry leader and expert. 

Not an insignificant task.  Whether you choose to join the conversation on Twitter or not depends on how much you're willing to commit in terms of time and resources.  Twitter offers numerous paid advertising opportunities to help build account awareness--promoted accounts, promoted tweets, and promoted trends--but marketing your Twitter presence in your direct mail marketing and email marketing may be the best way to build a foundational following and determine if the reward is worth the effort.

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