Tuesday, February 26, 2013

AMiable Solution #49: YouTube: The Right Channel for You?

Does your marketing feel limited by words and still images? Do you think customers, potential clients, and donors need to see your products or services in action to really connect? If so, YouTube may be the answer you’re looking for.

Visited by more than 800 million unique visitors every month, this social networking site allows users to post and share videos with friends, family, and colleagues around the world. Literally: 70% of YouTube’s traffic comes from outside the U.S.

YouTube offers both viewers and video providers with options for staying connected. Users can publically “like” and “dislike” videos, provide comments, “subscribe” to a provider’s videos, or visit a provider’s own customizable “channel,” where that organization’s/individual’s videos play 24 hours a day.

Although U.S. users tend to fall in the 18-34 year-old range (these viewers account for 67% of YouTube’s 128.2 million users) and are female, organizations can take advantage of targeted advertising and site-specific analytics to make the most of their presence and their relationship with viewers.

Not sure what you’d video? YouTube suggests you start by shooting a tour of your facilities or a how-to demonstration. The quality doesn’t have to be Hollywood caliber: your video simply has to tell a story and make an emotional connection with your viewers.

Posting videos is free, but targeted advertising and audience analytics, if you choose to go through YouTube, is not (you do pay only when viewers choose to watch your video).

If you have high-end or complicated products and services, or even just a healthy dose of creativity and personality, creating and promoting videos on YouTube could help you builder stronger the brand awareness and loyalty.

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