Friday, March 14, 2014

AMiable Solution #95: Get Social

When was the last time you socialized with your customers or members?  Really socialized with them.  In person.  Without your iPhone or desktop.

Although online networking enable marketers to reach audiences in more personal ways than traditional marketing methods previously allowed, they still have their shortcomings. With online communications, you have the advantage of preparing and editing your words ahead of time.  However, you can’t make eye contact, give a firm hand shake, or offer a genuine smile through email or a social communication.

What’s more, the feedback you receive in person is even more instant than any “likes” or clicks you tally online.  And you can answer any questions and clear up any confusion instantly and in a more consumer-friendly, face-to-face manner than simply sending an attachment full of data.

So, go ahead.  Reconnect with your market without all the high-tech gadgets.  Invite them to your office for coffee and doughnuts and a tour of your facility.   Offer a special in-house test-run of a new product.  Or host a free, one-hour, in-house Q&A session with a company expert.  Whatever you do, do it in person.

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