Monday, March 24, 2014

AMiable Solution #97: Get Moving. Literally

Believe it or not, spring is here.  That means you’re probably itching to get outside.  Work in the garden.  Ride your bike around the neighborhood or on the towpath.  Take the kids to the playground.  To reactivate your personal life outside of the house.

Spring is a great time to reactivate your work life outside of the office, too.  Just as getting outside can reinvigorate your mood and energy, getting outside of the office can get your pro-mojo going, too.  Schedule a meeting outside.  Meet a client at a park.  Take a prospect client to lunch at a restaurant.  Ask a new or long-standing customer for a tour of THEIR facility to see if the two of you can brainstorm new ways for your customer to market or communicate to clients.

Better yet, just get outside and take a walk around the block.  Even a quick, ten-minute walk during the work day can improve your productivity.  Exercise makes you more alert and gives you more energy, which means you’ll be more likely to tackle that next project or brainstorm that next marketing campaign with more clarity and insight.

The more you move, the better your bottom line will look, and who doesn’t want that?

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