Wednesday, April 2, 2014

AMiable Solution #98: Ready. Think. Go.

Looking for a way to reach out to your market and reenergize your marketing?   Try a contest.  People love contests, especially when there’s a great prize at stake.

The kind of contest should you have depends on your goal.  You’re going to invest time, effort, and money into your contest, so clearly define what it is you hope to get out of it.  Knowing what your target is will help you determine what type of contest you have, how long you run it, how you promote it, etc.

So, what’s your goal?  Do you want to acquire more email addresses, increase your blog readership, gather user-generated content, collect photos or videos for your website or other marketing efforts, increase brand awareness?  Once you decide what you want to accomplish, you can…

Choose a contest.  Photo contests, writing contests, video contests, random drawings: you dream it, you can compete it. Whether you hold a trivia contest, offer a makeover, invite participants to tell a first-person story, ask people to nominate a “best” (you choose the category), or hold an “ugliest” contest and have participants send in pictures of their ugly kitchens, lawns, offices--anything that your organization can sweep in and fix or replace--engage your market and challenge it.   The more creative and fun your contest is, the more likely people will be to participate.

Keep in mind how much you’re asking of participants and make sure your deadline reflects the time involved.  For example, a contest requiring a video or essay versus a photo or short anecdote should have a longer deadline so that contestants have enough time to finish the task.

If you want your contest to be successful, don’t forget to promote it!  Announce it in your blog, in your newsletter, in an email, on your website, and in a press release.  Talk about it on your social media sites.  Invite industry or community leaders to judge your contest and ask them to share news of your contest through their outlets.  Give your market plenty of notice, and then have fun.

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