Thursday, April 3, 2014

AMiable Solution #99: Nothing to Sneeze At

The sounds of birds are starting to fill the air.  Buds are breaking out on the trees.  Green is pushing through where white once was.  Every new daffodil bloom seems to shout, come on out!  Winter is over!

What does your marketing say?  Does your marketing, like a daffodil, offer rebirth and new beginnings?  Or does it convey something else entirely?

Even if your campaign, like a rose, is a vision of pure beauty, full of vibrant color, and sentimental meaning, and even if it conveys richness and value, it may still cause your market pain.  If you spend all of your time, effort, and budget on design but prick your readers with poor communication, confusing descriptions, or hard-to-find contact information, there’s not a single spring shower that will save your campaign.

How do you make sure your marketing package is the “whole package”?  Don’t make readers work for information, and don’t make it hard for them to figure out what you’re selling or how they can respond.  Tell them what you want them to do and make it easy for them to do it.  State your call to action, and then state it again (and again).  Make your phone number prominent.  Repeat your website.  Include your contact information on every spread.

Remember, too, to use clear language and make your message is just as clear.  Headings, subheads, and bullet points that briefly identify features and benefits will give scanners the key information they need at a glance while organizing your content in a practical way for those who take more time to read your campaign.

Finally, don’t get so wrapped up in your photos and graphics that you forget to prominently place your organization’s name and logo.  We’ve all received mail that both intrigued and frustrated us: the design and headlines had our attention, but we couldn’t figure out who sent it.

Eye-catching marketing is necessary to get consumers to take that critical first step, but it’s your content that really makes your marketing bloom.  Make it count.

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