Monday, June 1, 2015

AMiable Solution #143: When I Grow Up…

Right now, thousands of local teenagers are celebrating their high school graduation.  At the same time, they’re preparing to take the next step toward answering the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Some adults are working on the answer to that question, too.  Whether they entered the marketing industry by choice or by chance, some are still in search of the “big dream” they began pursuing years ago.

Where are you in your career?  Have you achieved the goals you set for yourself, or did you get sidetracked or distracted?  If you still hope to “become” something more or different than you already are, don’t give up on your plans or dreams.  Go after them.

If you haven’t updated your resume lately, do it.  Think about the projects or responsibilities you’re proudest of.  Would you like to do more of the same, or are you longing for something more challenging, more diverse, or more specialized?  What achievements do you wish you could add to your resume?

Think, too, about your training and your experience.  Did you envision you’d be in management by now?  In a different part of the industry?  Performing a different function entirely?   It’s not too late!  Talk to your manager and human resource department to see what options and opportunities you have where you are, and then talk to others in the business or sector you’d like to be part of to see how you can make your goals happen.

Goals and dreams don’t have to end just because our youth did.  As adults, we know this.  We know that we don’t ever stop growing up.  We just keep growing.

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