Friday, June 26, 2015

AMiable Solution #147: The Benefits of Siblings

Siblings are a marketer’s first real coworkers. 

Think about it.  Your first experiences in delegation probably came from a sibling.  Either you were the one passing off a chore or assignment from Mom, or you were the one getting bossed around by your big brother.  Either way, you learned that the quickest way to get a job done well was to enlist the help of someone faster and better than you.

Your first lessons in proper behavior also came from your siblings.  You don’t go around the office giving noogies to the accountants or wrestling your supervisor for the right to run a project.  Oh, you may have managed to pull off such shenanigans with your sibling a time or two when you were young, but Mom and Dad were quick to point out that such actions don’t produce the results you’re looking for.  And they get you grounded. 

No, having siblings shaped your communication skills.  Your siblings taught you how to negotiate.  How to cooperate and work together to achieve a goal, even if it was silencing the dog while you snuck out of the house.  Having siblings taught you how to be fair and kind and expect the same from others.  It taught you how to get along.

And for that, we’re all grateful.

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