Thursday, June 4, 2015

AMiable Solution #144: Mom’s Core Values

To have a successful career, business, or organization, we need training, focus, motivation, and strategy.

But if we really want to succeed, we also need to remember the lessons taught by mom.  The simple truths moms teach us create the foundations we use not only as people, but also as professionals:  

·        Honesty is the best policy.  Mom always stressed the importance of telling the truth!  She said lies hurt those who tell them as well as everyone else.  Always strive to meet customer commitments while keeping focused on reality.  Never promise what you know you can’t deliver. 

·        Use your manners.  Being polite and treating others the way you want to be treated makes working with people in any environment more pleasant and productive.  Try to answer or initiate any correspondence with a smile!  Whether it is via the phone, email, or in person, a warm smile always shines through.

·        Do your best.  The only shortcuts Mom allowed were ones that got you home on time.  Doing a good job means giving it your all.  That includes trying to see things from the other person’s point of view and striving to provide products and services that achieve you customer’s goals.

·        Show respect.  Mom always said, if you want to be respected, you must first respect others.  In the business world, that means approaching all solutions with pride and integrity.  If you do, you will gain the trust and respect of your customers.

·        Be thankful.  No matter what you want, always take time to be thankful for what you have.  The best gauge of your organization’s success is accomplishing the initiatives of those you serve.   Be grateful for those opportunities.

Thanks Mom!

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