Wednesday, August 5, 2015

AMiable Solution #151: The “Big” Reward

Who said reward systems are for children only?  If you’re having trouble staying focused and preparing for the end of summer and the resumption of “normal” life, try treating yourself for staying on track.

We’re not suggesting whipping out a sheet of poster board and laying out a work chore grid (unless you think it would help!).  We are suggesting writing down your top weekly goals on Monday morning and evaluating your progress on Friday afternoon. 

Be realistic.  We know your list is long, but pick only the top, most pressing projects.  Then, get to work.

The payoff for achieving your goals?  Make it little, but make it satisfying.  Maybe you allow yourself one treat out of the forbidden snack machine.  Or an extra cup of your favorite, foamy beverage.  Maybe you allow yourself to start your weekend on time, for a change, or avoid checking work email all weekend long.  Whatever it is, make sure it’s something you wouldn’t normally do without at least a little guilt.

Giving yourself a little something to look forward to, no matter how big or small, will not only give you feel good, but accomplishing those goals and measuring your results will help you look good, too.

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