Monday, August 17, 2015

AMiable Solution #153: Aiming Just Above Center

We like to achieve.  We like to succeed.  And we live in a country where competition not only creates new and better businesses, but it also creates more stressed individuals. 

Truth is, sometimes we set the bar too high and suffer because of it.

How can we continue to improve ourselves and our organizations without shaving years off our lives?  Simply put: be realistic. 

We all have to-do lists a mile long.  Expecting to complete every task quickly just isn’t realistic.  Whether it’s something seemingly as simple as writing a product description or decidedly more involved like planning next year’s budget, everything always takes longer than you anticipate it will.  Making your plans and setting your goals more realistically will increase your job satisfaction and morale now, and it will make you a more accurate and efficient planner in the future. 

Try this: keep track of your time.  Literally.  Starting tomorrow, record the time when you start and when you stop working on a project.  At the end of the day, tally your results and identify how far into the project you got and how much more work you have to go.  Do this every day for one week and then evaluate your results. 

See any surprises?  You may find out where all your time goes, or you may discover just how much more time some tasks take than you realized.  In any case, you should have a better handle on your time management strengths and weaknesses, and you should be able to use the findings to set more realistic schedules and timelines. 

Just be sure to add a few days to all of your estimates: new tasks and new priorities constantly interrupt your day and wreak havoc on your plans.  Anticipating the inevitable and planning ahead for delays will help take some of the stress out of your week, and that’s the whole point.

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