Monday, August 24, 2015

AMiable Solution #154: Big Pictures, New Doors

When you’re feeling unmotivated to give your job your all or to even show up, remember the big picture: you are employed. 

And it can’t all be that bad, right?  Think about your accomplishments.  Think about the skills you’re learning or the accolades you or your company has achieved.  About your co-workers and the positive relationships you’ve developed.  Think about your benefits:  your flexible work schedule, easy commute, opportunities for professional growth or promotion, challenge and range of job duties, etc.

Still not enough to get your butt in gear and your mind in motion?  You may need to consider another position within your organization or one somewhere else entirely.  How do you know when it’s time to go? 

Inc. magazine author Peter Economy offers some insight in his article, “10 Warning Signs That It’s Time to Look for a New Job.”  While we agree with all of his choices, which include hating your job, witnessing illegal activity, and not working well with the new boss or new co-workers, we think it’s safe to say that anything that negatively affects your health, mental and/or physical, is worth re-evaluating.

Having a job almost always outranks having no job, but if your motivational problems extend beyond the end of summer, it may be time to move on.

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