Wednesday, May 18, 2016

AMiable Solution #186: Tips for Teasers

Once you’ve made the decision to include teaser copy on the outside of your mailing, you need to write it.

With so much riding on a handful of words, getting it right is crucial.  The next time you sit down to develop envelop teaser, keep the following tips in mind:

·        Choose your tone.  To generate interest, you need to inspire emotion.  Whether you’re going for fear, greed, empathy, or curiosity, make your audience feel to get them to act.

·        Don’t give up all the goods.  Your teaser copy should raise questions, not answer them.   If you reveal your offer on the outside of your envelope, you eliminate any need for your prospects to venture inside.  Speaking of questions…

·        Don’t ask a question that can be answered “yes” or “no.”  You could lose prospects without them ever opening your mailing.

·        Remember: what works for consumer mailings won’t necessarily work for business mailings.  One key to getting past mailroom gatekeepers, says Craig Huey, President of Creative Direct Marketing Group, is to focus on conveying value.

·        Call out your audience.  Let your prospects know that the offer inside has been developed specifically for them.

Even after you’ve written your envelop masterpiece, be sure to test it and tweak it, if necessary.

Happy writing.

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