Friday, May 6, 2016

AMiable Solution #185: To Tease or Not To Tease

Is teaser copy something you do without thinking, like throwing on your watch in the morning, or it is something you consider more carefully, like which pieces to include in your ensemble? 

The implications could be greater than you imagine.

When done well, teaser copy helps your envelope get opened.  But when it’s put together haphazardly or without much thought, the results could be quite different.

In fact, according to copywriter Robert Bly, your teasers could actually be doing more harm than good.  In his December 11, 2003, DM News article, “9 Ways to Improve Your Outer Envelope,” Bly says that sometimes even strong teasers can decrease, not increase response.

So how do you know if you should include teaser copy or not?  Even if you think you have strong copy, test it.  Do an A/B split with a teaser and a teaser-less envelope and roll out the winner. 

If you can’t come up with something strong, Bly suggests skipping it.

Why can no teaser be better than a teaser?  According to Bly, a blank envelope does what copy can’t: it creates an interest in who it’s from and what it is and will always get opened.  An envelope with teaser copy may or may not.

How will you dress your next envelope?

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