Friday, April 29, 2016

AMiable Solution #184: Four Simple Sales Strategies that Still Work, Part 4

Call us old-fashioned, but we still believe in an important question that many marketers don’t ask their customers: do any other departments in your company or any of your colleagues have a similar problem that we might be able to help them with?

Asking for referrals is by no means out-of-style or out-of-date.  In fact, the practice yields some of the strongest leads for very little cost. 

What’s the best way to go about asking for referrals?

Since they come from existing customers, start by providing them with a great product or service.  Two kinds of customers talk to others about their experiences: happy ones and dissatisfied ones.  Keep your customers fall in the “happy” category by making their entire experience with you and your organization a fulfilling and productive one, beginning with the first contact and going beyond the sale.

Then, follow up with your customers.  Make sure that they’re still satisfied with their purchase and that it’s working for them the way they expected it to.  You may not be able to do this right away, depending on the product or service.  Some customers will see the benefit of their purchase immediately.  For others, it may take weeks or even months.  Time your follow-up accordingly, and then reach out to them.  If your customers are happy…

Ask for that referral.   

Don’t forget to get it in writing.  Even if a customer can’t provide you with a name, a satisfied customer can provide a written review of your product or service that can create similarly beneficial results.

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