Friday, April 15, 2016

AMiable Solution #182: Four Simple Sales Strategies that Still Work, Part 2

Is cold calling dead?  Not in our opinion.  As a matter of fact, we’ve started at least three new client relationships this year this way.

How can you make it work for you? 

First, don’t think of it as a drag.  It may not be your favorite task, but if you approach it that way, your prospect will hear it in your voice.  Start with a good attitude and a smile on your face.  A sincere, friendly voice speaks volumes and will be more likely to engage the person on the other end of the phone.  In her November 19,2 012, Entrepreneur article, “Seven Secrets to Cold Calling Success,” Jane Porter even suggests talking in front of a mirror, which she says will naturally cause you to smile more.

Second, start with a conversation, not a sales pitch.  Offer a friendly greeting.  Try to make a personal connection based on something you know about the organization or the prospect, in particular.  Be sure to mention any common connections you have or the name of the person who referred you before launching into your sales pitch.

Finally, listen.  Listen not only to your prospect, but also to yourself.  Be sincere.  Don’t say things just because you think they’ll buy you points.  Learn from your prospect’ responses and your own.

Opportunity is ringing, and it’s for you.

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