Thursday, April 21, 2016

AMiable Solution #183: Four Simple Sales Strategies that Still Work, Part 3

Is your idea of networking collecting a stack of business cards and throwing them in a desk drawer to look at “later”?  You could do better.

Networking is about more than collecting names.  It’s about creating relationships.  It’s about sharing ideas.  It’s about spending time with people you can learn from, work with, or help.  Networking is about opportunities.

None of these things will develop if you don’t do anything with the cards you’ve collected or the conversations you’ve started.  Networking requires an investment of time, interest, and consistency. 

How can you get started?  Follow up with each new contact as soon as you can after your initial meeting.  Whether you call or send an email, reach out to your new contact.  Remind him/her about the context in which you met and what you discussed, and start a dialog.  The more frequently you touch base with this new contact, the more you can develop a mutually beneficial relationship.

Also, make “networking” a regular practice, not just something you do once or twice a year at conventions and gatherings.  Incorporate a curiosity and a desire to meet more people and expand your professional community every chance you get.

Finally, remember that the time you spend cultivating relationships now, if maintained, will benefit you for many years.  Whether you network for new clients, new vendors, or new colleagues, when you need advice, help, or a trusted and reliable source for your jobs, you’ll have a strong network of people to turn to.

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