Tuesday, April 12, 2016

AMiable Solution #181: Four Simple Sales Strategies that Still Work, Part 1

Quick: name your favorite way to communicate with prospects and clients. 

Does your answer involve some form of technology?  With so many high-tech options for creating, personalizing, targeting, and tracking sales campaigns these days, it would be hard not to pick one.  Although we love the efficiency and accessibility technology provides us, we can’t help but cling to some of our favorite old-school methods, including the good ol’ phone call.

Why are phone calls so great when you can just zip off an email?  After all, emails give us time to carefully craft what we want to say, and they let us say it any time we choose.

While we admit email correspondence does have its advantages (documenting agreements, detailing concerns, providing follow-up), relationships develop between people, not electronic files.  People connect with people.  They buy from people.  They put their trust in people. 

And there are times when you just can’t beat a real-time conversation.  Like when your client has a problem or complaint.  Or when your organization is planning to make a change to the way an account is handled.  When membership renewals go unanswered.  Or when you want to introduce your company to a prospect.

Phone calls give you the opportunity that no written correspondence can: to instantaneously interact.  Only with a phone call can you accurately express emotion: concern, interest, enthusiasm, empathy.  Only with a phone call can you immediately address a client’s concerns or questions.  Only with a phone call can you pick up on tone, silence, and hesitation.

Technology certainly has its place, but for cultivating and maintaining relationships with clients, members, and donors, no marketing speaks louder and more clearly than your own voice.

Want to learn about other traditional sales strategies that should still have a place in your sales and marketing efforts?  Check back next week--and all month--for more.

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