Wednesday, October 16, 2013

AMiable Solution #77: Five Fun Fall Facts About Direct Mail

You know direct mail and you know marketing, but you may not know them as they relate to some of this season’s lighter subjects.  Read on to discover five fun fall facts and how they relate to direct mail.

1.  Forty-six percent of parents surveyed prefer to receive back-to-school promotions in the form of direct mail (second only to print ads, 46%).  However, 26% of them will wait until their kids go to bed or to school before sneaking a sweet from their kids’ trick-or-treat stash.

2.  The U.S. Postal Service processes an average of 6,100 pieces of mail every second.  In terms of quantity, that’s the equivalent of 161 of the 26.50-ounce size “big bags” of Fun Size Snickers.

3.  The Postal Service’s proposed price increases for 2014 could generate $2 billion in incremental new revenue.  Candy sales for Halloween alone are expected to reach $2.08 billion this year.

4.  There are more letter carriers that deliver mail entirely on foot (7,753) in the U.S. than apple producers (approximately 7,500).

5.  The USPS mailed an average of 692 million pounds of standard mail a month in 2012.  That’s more weight than Illinois--one of the country’s top four pumpkin producers--grew in pumpkins in all of 2008 (496 million pounds).

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