Thursday, October 31, 2013

AMiable Solution #79: Five Fun Fall Facts About Email Marketing

In the spirit of this month’s lighter look at marketing, we offer the following five fun facts about email marketing and fall:

1.  E-mail usage by 18-24 year olds decreased by 34% in 2011, which is bad news for some marketers.  The good news for all of us, however, is that Daylight Savings Time—which ends this weekend—increases our well-being.  It’s credited with preventing traffic injuries and reducing crime.

2.  Marketers will have more success sending carefully crafted emails this November than farmers and grocers will have selling fresh turkeys: 47% of people say they open email based on the subject line, but only 24% buy fresh turkeys for Thanksgiving (the rest buy frozen).

3.  In 2012, emails sent on Tuesdays had higher open rates than any other day of the week.  Think that’s a narrow window of opportunity?  Try being a pumpkin farmer.  They have 80% of the pumpkin supply in the United States available in October.

4. This year, about 84% of all email traffic will be spam.  Sound like spam has the ultimate upper hand?  While it’s impressive (in size, not effect), the state of Illinois has it beat.  Illinois grows between 90 and 95% of the processed pumpkins in the United States.

5.  By 2016, there will be an estimated 4.3 billion email accounts.  That’s equivalent to roughly one-third the average viewership of this year’s World Series through Game 3.

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