Thursday, November 3, 2016

AMiable Solution #208: Leftovers

If you gave out Halloween candy this week, you’re probably facing the same dilemma we are: leftover candy.  Whether you bought too much or had fewer kids than usual knock on your door, there it is.  A bowl of sugary goodness just begging to be eaten.

And you will, most likely because, hey, it’s candy, and you don’t want to waste it.  And if you won’t waste a little package of chocolate, you wouldn’t waste that stockpile of direct mail overage you have sitting in storage at work, right?

We accumulate direct mail overage for similar reasons.  The printer overprinted.  We lost more names in the merge/purge process than expected.  A list owner denied rental of a list after we already ordered the print run.  Whatever the reason for it, its very existence begs the same thing that the leftover candy does: use me; don’t let me go to waste. 

What do you have on your shelves?  Take a good look at it and see if you can find a new use for it.  Maybe you have enough on hand to warrant a remail to current clients or customers.  Maybe you have enough to insert into select invoice mailings or even inside boxed shipments.  However you use them, remember: you made them.  You paid for them.  Use them.

Before you start running lists or making plans, however, be sure to review the promotion for anything that may cause problems.  For example, check any dates listed in the piece.  If the copy contains any deadlines or time references that are too close to a potential drop date or already past, cut your losses and recycle the overage.  Mailing an outdated mail piece confuses consumers and makes your organization look incompetent.  Likewise, if the promotion includes old prices or special pricing that will no longer be honored, oust the overage and move on to the next pile.

If you are able to re-use or re-distribute a marketing promotion, check the codes used on the pieces and note the quantity you still have of each one.  Noting this now will help you more accurately track the success of the new distribution.

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