Wednesday, November 16, 2016

AMiable Solution #210: The Right Time

We know we’re supposed to develop relationships with our clients, members, and donors, but sometimes we forget and think of them more as data than as people.  People who have professional and personal responsibilities.  People who have deadlines and goals and roadblocks or distractions that greet them along the way.

That’s why it’s important to remember, as frequently as we can, that the relationships we’re starting, growing, and maintaining require knowledge not only of the individuals’ past actions, needs, and expectations, but also of our timing.

Consider your family.  What would happen if you went home late and didn’t call or if you completely missed a date with your spouse or significant other without so much as a heads-up that you wouldn’t be there?  What if you missed an important milestone in a special someone’s life?  A birthday?  A game or recital?  An anniversary?  You’d pretty much be up the creek, and your family would let you know it.

Your customers are no different.  They count on you to be there for them when they need you, and when your timing is off or you’re absent altogether, your relationship suffers.  They lose confidence in you.  They no longer trust you as much as they used to.  They find someone else to help them.

It’s not enough to know the historical sales of a promotion or offer.  It’s not enough to know the general buying habits and preferences of your customers.  You also need to know their industry.  The things that affect their calendars, their products and services, and their productivity.  You need to know their schedules and the changes that are taking place in their industry.  Then you can perfect your timing.  You can offer your market--real live people--what they need when they need it most. 

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